Zillion Integration
- Zillion is a third-party insurance provider that integrates with Multidev Chaindrive POS through an API. All cart information (order and customer info) is sent to Zillion and a determination is made if insurance eligibility applies after the sale is tendered. If so the associate is prompted and requests the customer if they are interested in Zillion.
- If the associate presses the Send button the customer receives a text at the number on their account which directs them to a link. The number can be modified if the phone number on the account is not the number the customer wishes to receive a text.
- The customer receives a text which presents them with terms and a statement of value. They may also elect to purchase insurance. In the test environment the phone number to receive texts must be added to a whitelist before they go through. This must be done by Zillion. Contact to have a number added.
Configuration and Setup
The configuration of Zillion is done via the POS Configurator. Open the POS Configuration on the Multidev Application Server. The following settings must be set. Note that values for the settings in the image are for the sandbox environment and will differ for production.
At a global level API, Base Service URL, Zillion – Organization ID, and Username should be set. These will apply to all instances. Each store should be setup individually with a branch override for the Zillion – Store ID and Zillion - Enabled setting. New stores will need to have these variables setup individually.
A PR will need to be run to distribute the configuration to POS.
A new location must be setup in the portal first. This is done through the location menu. A location name, address, city, state, zip, and phone number is required. On completion a POS Location Id is available. This corresponds to the variable that needs to be setup in the POS Cofiguratior at Zillion – Store ID.
Zillion Portal
The portal which contains administrative and tracking function for Zillion sales can be found at . An account is available in Keeper registered with the address.